
Amazon Launches A Site Just For Small Businesses

Amazon launches a small business shop.

This week, Amazon launched Amazon Storefronts-a new section of its site that only lists products sold by U.S. small- and medium-sized businesses. The company says it's a way for shoppers to find smaller merchants more easily and has chosen more than one million products from about 20,000 businesses to be featured on the site, based on customer ratings. (Source: AJC)

Why this is important for your business:

Amazon has about a million U.S. small business merchants and more than half of the items sold on the ecommerce giant's site is from small businesses worldwide. Smart retailers today are embracing "click and brick" strategies and if you're a small retailer my recommendation is to supplement your in-store sales with online sales. Amazon Storefronts may be a good option but first you have to be a merchant.

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